Great. Another damn advertising recruiter.

The landscape is littered with recruiters who are only interested in Cannes-winning creatives. Too often, the same circle of superstars bounce from one agency to the next while the overwhelming majority of talented creatives are passed over. With all due respect to the 1% (props: huge fan of your talent and work) Knack is looking out for the other 99%.

The Knack plan of attack.

Knack has a legitimate edge. You see, the brains behind Knack are perfectly primed for this. For starters, a good portion of our careers have been spent in creative departments. Writing copy. Art directing. Concepting ideas for agencies of all sizes. We’ve also spent ten plus years teaching, mentoring and preparing future talent at a renowned portfolio school. Between the countless campaigns created and the loooong list of creatives coddled, it’s safe to say our knack for advertising has us well-prepped for recruiting.


Are you an agency?

Raw talent is not enough. Knack strongly believes good people matter, too. Which is why we’re not in the business to simply fill seats with warm bodies. We’d rather find the right fit. Creatives with heart. Creatives with conviction. It ain’t rocket science, but when you’re working with great people, great work tends to follow. 

Looking for some top talent? Let Knack get to work.

Creatives: your turn.

Knack is and always will be an advocate of the work. We know it’s wise to look beyond the name on the door. Colleagues and culture can make or break an agency experience. So we invest the time upfront. To get to know you. To ask important questions and listen up for what really matters. Work-Life balance? Money? Location? Beer carts and summer Fridays?

From one creative to another, Knack has your back. Reach out anytime.